Computational Notebook - Methods applied to the hoard of Le Câtillon II in...
ClaReNet is a joint project of the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (German Archaeological Institute) and the Big Data Lab (Goethe University Frankfurt), funded by the German... -
Shamanka II: An early neolithic cemetery on the Southwest shore of Lake...
Supplements 2-10 to the three-volume book. Supplements 2 and 3 are also included in the pdf of volume 2. Supplements 4-10 are only available in this dataset. Volume 2:... -
A Landscape of Surveillance: code and data
Data and Code to reproduce the analyses of the paper: A Landscape of Surveillance. Investigating Hellenistic Fortifications and Potential Networks of Interaction in the Pergamon... -
Supplement zu: R wie in: Reproduzierbar
idaifieldR imports data from Field Desktop into R. This supplement contains the R-project used in the paper "R wie in: Reproduzierbar: Auswertung von Daten aus Field Desktop mit... -
Sultan Tepe site near Pergamon (Turkey): extended catalogue and survey data
This data collection contains an extended catalogue of archaeological finds as well as the survey data supplementing the paper: “The Sultan Tepe Site and its Surroundings in the... -
File Archive of "Endangered Heritage Sites of Iraq"
After the terror organization known as Daesh/ISIS/ISIL captured Mosul, they initiated a series of destructive actions, including mass killings, deportations of population...