Supplement zu: R wie in: Reproduzierbar

idaifieldR imports data from Field Desktop into R. This supplement contains the R-project used in the paper "R wie in: Reproduzierbar: Auswertung von Daten aus Field Desktop mit idaifieldR" (DOI: 10.34780/068b-q6c7) (, demonstrating the packages core functionality. Alongside the RMarkdown-file used to generate the paper itself and a tutorial on using package the supplement contains a small dataset of attic red- and black-figure pottery found at the area of the Church of St. Michael / Dionysos Sanctuary in Miletus in Asia Minor in the form of a csv-file. Variables in the dataset are: inventory number, context, trench, group, shape, dating and catalogue number. The fragments are published in "N. Kunisch, Funde aus Milet Teil 3, Die attische Importkeramik (Berlin/Boston 2016)" ( A backup of a test project with artificial data for Field Desktop is also included in the supplement, and can be used to follow the tutorial mentioned above.

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Lisa Steinmann ( (2023). Supplement zu: R wie in: Reproduzierbar [Data set]. DAI.
Retrieved: 06:31 27 Jul 2024 (UTC)


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Additional Info

Field Value
Author(s) Lisa Steinmann ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2215-1243
Maintainer Fabian Riebschläger
Version 1.0
Last Updated April 26, 2024, 08:58 (UTC)
Created July 14, 2023, 12:11 (UTC)
Subtitle Auswertung von Daten aus Field Desktop mit idaifieldR
Publisher Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
In Language English
Year of publication 2023
Resource Type General Dataset
DOI 10.34780/8296-sm74
Related Resources

L. Steinmann, R wie in: Reproduzierbar. Auswertung von Daten aus Field Desktop mit idaifieldR, FdAI 2023, § 1–28,