Sultan Tepe site near Pergamon (Turkey): extended catalogue and survey data

This data collection contains an extended catalogue of archaeological finds as well as the survey data supplementing the paper: “The Sultan Tepe Site and its Surroundings in the Western Lower Bakırçay Plain: Investigating the Complex Layers of a Rural Residence in the Pergamon Micro-Region” by Zeki Mete Aksan, Bernhard Ludwig, Güler Ateş, Annika Skolik, Fabian Becker, Ercan Erkul, Wolfgang Rabbel, Jörn Lang, Sarah Al Jarad, Felix Pirson, and Brigitta Schütt. The data collection contains photos and drawings of the architectural elements, stone objects, pottery finds, small finds, other finds, and the site. Furthermore, survey data is provided: the position of the counting fields (shapefile) and the statistical raw data (table) of the finds counted within the fields and documented with the help of ODK Collect.

Cite this as

Bernhard Ludwig (0000-0003-0955-9823) [05q9y3f51]; Annika Skolik (0000-0003-1393-8842) [023md1f53] (2024). Sultan Tepe site near Pergamon (Turkey): extended catalogue and survey data [Data set]. DAI.
Retrieved: 20:53 09 Mar 2025 (UTC)



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Additional Info

Field Value
Author(s) Bernhard Ludwig ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0955-9823 ROR ID: 05q9y3f51
Annika Skolik ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1393-8842 ROR ID: 023md1f53
Maintainer Redaktion DAI Istanbul
Version 1.0
Last Updated January 16, 2025, 10:51 (UTC)
Created January 5, 2024, 08:50 (UTC)
Subtitle The Sultan Tepe Site and its Surroundings in the Western Lower Bakırçay Plain: Investigating the Complex Layers of a Rural Residence in the Pergamon Micro-Region
Publisher Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Funding This research was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) grant number 419349690
In Language English
Year of publication 2024
Resource Type General Collection
DOI 10.34780/WNAS-H760
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Zeki Mete Aksan, Bernhard Ludwig, Güler Ateş, Annika Skolik, Fabian Becker, Ercan Erkul, Wolfgang Rabbel, Jörn Lang, Sarah Al Jarad, Felix Pirson, Brigitta Schütt, The Sultan Tepe Site and its Surroundings in the Western Lower Bakırçay Plain: Investigating the Complex Layers of a Rural Residence in the Pergamon Micro-Region, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 73, 2023, § 1–109,