Kitti Köhler, The biological reconstruction of the population of the Late...
Appendix 1 comprises Tables 1–132. Appendices 2–4 are printed. -
Leitfaden fuer Laser Aided Profiler und Software 3.6.3 Guide for Laser Aided Profiler and Software 3.6.3 -
Computational Notebook - Methods applied to the hoard of Le Câtillon II in...
ClaReNet is a joint project of the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (German Archaeological Institute) and the Big Data Lab (Goethe University Frankfurt), funded by the German... -
Supplement zu: R wie in: Reproduzierbar
idaifieldR imports data from Field Desktop into R. This supplement contains the R-project used in the paper "R wie in: Reproduzierbar: Auswertung von Daten aus Field Desktop mit... -
Technique of Gold Embroidery
Reconstruction of the early Mycenaean technique of »gold embroidery«, applied on the handles and pommels of elaborate daggers and swords. -
M. Gechter, Die augusteisch-tiberischen Lager von Novaesium. Novaesium 10 =...
Der Nachlass von Michael Gechter umfasste eine große Menge an digitalen Daten, die in unterschiedlicher Form vorliegen. Aus der heterogenen Masse an Informationen wurden Dateien... -
Raw data of chert assemblages from the north-western town (NWT) excavations...
Data used to reproduce the analyses of the paper: C. Jeuthe, Chert artefacts in the house – the Middle Kingdom finds at Elephantine Island, forthcoming (MDAIK 80) Raw data of... -
Sandra Schröer-Spang, Die nördliche Provinzgrenze zwischen Raetien und...
Kartierung der aufgenommenen kaiserzeitlichen Fundstellen innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebietes mit Angabe der Katalognummer. Map of the recorded Roman period sites within the... -
File Archive of "Endangered Heritage Sites of Iraq"
After the terror organization known as Daesh/ISIS/ISIL captured Mosul, they initiated a series of destructive actions, including mass killings, deportations of population...