Raw data of chert assemblages from the north-western town (NWT) excavations at Elephantine Island 2013-2018

Data used to reproduce the analyses of the paper: C. Jeuthe, Chert artefacts in the house – the Middle Kingdom finds at Elephantine Island, forthcoming (MDAIK 80)

Raw data of chert assemblages from the NWT excavations at Elephantine Island 2013-2018, mainly dating to the Middle Kingdom (especially from the 12th/13th dynasty). The detailed description was removed from file because time consuming proof reading and editing would be needed. Dimensions of debitage and small fragments often only roughly, e.g. 10 means not larger than 10 mm, 5 means not larger than 5 mm ect. In the columns scar, burnt... means "1" yes. Regarding the raw material, please see also C. Jeuthe, The cherts of Elephantine Island - an insight into the economic networks, MDAIK 74 (2019), 99-122 with detailed descriptions. The data can be used without reading the article and the article should be understandable without using the data sheet

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Clara Jeuthe (0000-0002-8056-6455) [05wps8h17] (2024). Raw data of chert assemblages from the north-western town (NWT) excavations at Elephantine Island 2013-2018 [Data set]. DAI. https://doi.org/10.34780/fjd8x6yk
Retrieved: 02:51 12 Mar 2025 (UTC)


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Additional Info

Field Value
Author(s) Clara Jeuthe ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8056-6455 ROR ID: 05wps8h17
Maintainer Jeuthe, Clara
Version 1.0
Last Updated January 16, 2025, 10:53 (UTC)
Created February 15, 2024, 07:59 (UTC)
Subtitle Elephantine
Publisher Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
In Language English, German
Year of publication 2024
Resource Type General Dataset
DOI 10.34780/fjd8x6yk
Related Resources

C. Jeuthe, Chert artefacts in the house – the Middle Kingdom finds at Elephantine Island, forthcoming (MDAIK 80, 2025?)