Everchanging Road Networks Through the Ages on the Mount Nif and its...
The dataset contains the figures of "'This place is not what it used to be'. The Everchanging Road Networks Through the Ages on the Mount Nif and its Surroundings" CAA-GR 2024... -
Data Table: Neolithic roof and wall openings - Types, features, measurements.
This data collection contains types, features and measurements of Neolithic roof- and wall openings from 20 Neolithic sites in Southwest Asia supplementing the paper: Moritz... -
Sultan Tepe site near Pergamon (Turkey): extended catalogue and survey data
This data collection contains an extended catalogue of archaeological finds as well as the survey data supplementing the paper: “The Sultan Tepe Site and its Surroundings in the... -
Georeferencing and other strategies to spatialise information from old maps...
Old maps are invaluable for archaeological, historical, and environmental research on past landscapes and their changes over time. To ensure data quality and reproducibility,... -
Pre-Hispanic human remains from Salvatierra, Llanos de Mojos, Bolivia
Studies on pre-Hispanic populations in the Amazon region are rare and mostly focus on the remains of the earliest humans in the region. There is currently a complete lack of... -
Raw data of chert assemblages from the north-western town (NWT) excavations...
Data used to reproduce the analyses of the paper: C. Jeuthe, Chert artefacts in the house – the Middle Kingdom finds at Elephantine Island, forthcoming (MDAIK 80) Raw data of... -
Vor 2000 Jahren trafen Wollmode und Seidenmode im Zentrum Eurasiens zusammen. Unser Film zeigt, was daraus entstand. Dieses Werk gehört zum Projekt SILK ROAD FASHION... -
Römische Amphoren aus Munigua
Die Tabelle listet Fragmente von Amphoren aus Munigua und liefert Informationen zu ihren Typen, Ursprüngen und besonderen Merkmalen. Im Jahr 2006 erfolgte die umfassende... -
M. Gechter, Die augusteisch-tiberischen Lager von Novaesium. Novaesium 10 =...
Der Nachlass von Michael Gechter umfasste eine große Menge an digitalen Daten, die in unterschiedlicher Form vorliegen. Aus der heterogenen Masse an Informationen wurden Dateien... -
A Corpus of the Pottery from Dahshur from the Early 4th Dynasty to the...
This publication includes a comprehensive study of the pottery assemblages found during the excavations of the German Archaeological Institute Cairo in the valley temple of King... -
File Archive of "Endangered Heritage Sites of Iraq"
After the terror organization known as Daesh/ISIS/ISIL captured Mosul, they initiated a series of destructive actions, including mass killings, deportations of population... -
Leitfaden fuer Laser Aided Profiler und Software 3.6.3 Guide for Laser Aided Profiler and Software 3.6.3