Keramik der 1. bis 6. Dynastie auf Elephantine. Katalog der Formen und ihrer...
Der Text bietet einen umfassenden Katalog typologisch geordneter Profilzeichnungen keramischer Formen aus der Zeit des Alten Reiches (ca. 3000–2100 v.Chr.) aus den Ausgrabungen... -
Automated analysis of pottery by QEM-EDS - Supplementary C
The analysis of raw materials and manufacturing techniques is central to the investigation of pottery assemblages. While various analytical techniques exists, petrography... -
The Selinos River in Pergamon (Poster)
This poster was developed at the Annual TransPergMicro Workshop on "Modification and reshaping of the natural environment as a dynamic phenomenon in the transformation of micro-... -
Shamanka II: An early neolithic cemetery on the Southwest shore of Lake...
Supplements 2-10 to the three-volume book. Supplements 2 and 3 are also included in the pdf of volume 2. Supplements 4-10 are only available in this dataset. Volume 2:... -
Tabelle A: Gesamtübersicht aller nachgewiesenen Pflanzen-Taxa
Tabelle A: Gesamtübersicht aller Pflanzennachweise. Die Tabelle ist wie folgt aufgebaut: In der ersten Spalte sind die Pollen-Typen aufgeführt, in den Spalten zwei bis vier die... -
Bronze Age Radiocarbondates from Bogazkoy-Hattusha, v.1
The list presents all radiocarbon dates from Bronze Age contexts obtained from the excavations at Bogazköy-Hattusha until 2022. The AMS analyses of the various samples (bones,... -
A Corpus of the Pottery from Dahshur from the Early 4th Dynasty to the...
This publication includes a comprehensive study of the pottery assemblages found during the excavations of the German Archaeological Institute Cairo in the valley temple of King... -
File Archive of "Endangered Heritage Sites of Iraq"
After the terror organization known as Daesh/ISIS/ISIL captured Mosul, they initiated a series of destructive actions, including mass killings, deportations of population... -
Leitfaden fuer Laser Aided Profiler und Software 3.6.3 Guide for Laser Aided Profiler and Software 3.6.3