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Diese Kollektion enthält Tagebuch-Archivalien und Auswertungen der C-14-Daten als Supplement zur Publikation: A. Schachner, Ausgrabungen in der Unterstadt von Boğazköy II: Der...
Appendix 1 comprises Tables 1–132. Appendices 2–4 are printed.
Old maps are invaluable for archaeological, historical, and environmental research on past landscapes and their changes over time. To ensure data quality and reproducibility,...
Leitfaden fuer Laser Aided Profiler und Software 3.6.3 Guide for Laser Aided Profiler and Software 3.6.3
The dataset contains the figures of "'This place is not what it used to be'. The Everchanging Road Networks Through the Ages on the Mount Nif and its Surroundings" CAA-GR 2024...
ClaReNet is a joint project of the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (German Archaeological Institute) and the Big Data Lab (Goethe University Frankfurt), funded by the German...
Das vorliegende Dataset ist der in strukturierte Daten überführte Katalog einer 1999 an der Universität Hamburg eingereichten Magisterarbeit. Die Arbeit hat die erstmalige...
This poster was developed at the Annual TransPergMicro Workshop on "Modification and reshaping of the natural environment as a dynamic phenomenon in the transformation of micro-...
This publication includes a comprehensive study of the pottery assemblages found during the excavations of the German Archaeological Institute Cairo in the valley temple of King...
The list presents all radiocarbon dates from Bronze Age contexts obtained from the excavations at Bogazköy-Hattusha until 2022. The AMS analyses of the various samples (bones,...
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