Bronze Age Radiocarbondates from Bogazkoy-Hattusha, v.1

The list presents all radiocarbon dates from Bronze Age contexts obtained from the excavations at Bogazköy-Hattusha until 2022. The AMS analyses of the various samples (bones, charcoal, seeds) were carried out in the laboratories of the universities of Kiel, Heidelberg, and Glasgow as well as of the CEZ Archäometrie gGmbh in Mannheim and the Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Aratrma Kurumu, Marmara Arastirma Merkezi in Gebze/Kocaeli Türkiye. This data set forms the basis for a new interpretation of the structural development of the Bronze Age city of Hattusha, first published in an article in Anatolian Studies.

Cite this as

Andreas Schachner (0000-0002-4344-562X) (2023). Bronze Age Radiocarbondates from Bogazkoy-Hattusha, v.1 [Data set]. DAI.
Retrieved: 07:26 27 Jul 2024 (UTC)



Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author(s) Andreas Schachner
Maintainer FDM - DAI Abteilung Istanbul
Version 1.0
Last Updated April 26, 2024, 08:10 (UTC)
Created November 14, 2023, 12:38 (UTC)
Subtitle Bogazköy-Hattusha
Publisher Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Funding DFG, DAI, HRG
In Language English, German
Year of publication 2024
Resource Type General Dataset
DOI 10.34780/sky0-r774
Related Resources

Andreas Schachner, A New Look at an Ancient City: an Outline of the Chronological and Urban Development of the Hittite Capital Ḫattuša, Anatolian Studies 74, 2024